Steven Julious
got his first degree, a BSc in Mathematics and Statistics,
from the University of Manchester and a MSc from the
University of Reading. His first job was at the University
of Southampton. He entered the pharmaceutical industry as
an early phase statistician at GlaxoWellcome before joining
SmithKlineBeacham. When he left the industry he was a late
phase statistician at GlaxoSmithKline. It was while at GSK
that he undertook a PhD part time at University College
London. He currently is a Reader in Medical Statistics
where he also works in the Clinical Trials Research Unit.
Steven has a research interest in clinical trials, clinical
trial design and early phase trials. He has written two
books (one sample size estimation and one early phase trials)
and is on the advisory board of two journals Statistical
Methods in Medical Research and Pharmaceutical Statistics (which
he also edited from 2005-7)
The work he is
presenting today is drawn from work with others from
Statisticians in the Pharmaceutical Industry (PSI) on best
practice on reporting of pharmaceutical sponsored clinical
trials. The work is currently in Early View of the journal
Pharmaceutical Statistics and will appear in press early
O'Kelly M,
Julious SA, Pyke S, Day S, Todd S, Seldrup J and Matcham J.
Making available
information from studies sponsored by the pharmaceutical
industry: some current practices.
Pharmaceutical Statistics (DOI: 10.1002/pst.430)
Pyke S, Julious
SA, Day S, O'Kelly M, Todd S, Matcham J and Seldrup J.
The potential for bias in reporting of industry-sponsored
clinical trials. Pharmaceutical Statistics
(DOI: 10.1002/pst.429)
Matcham J,
Julious S, Pyke S, O'Kelly M, Todd S, Seldrup J and Day S.
Proposed best
practice for statisticians in the reporting and publication
of pharmaceutical industry-sponsored clinical trials.
Pharmaceutical Statistics. (DOI: 10.1002/pst.417)
Julious S, O’Kelly
M, Pyke S, Day S, Todd S, Seldrup J, Matcham J,
Davies J. Making available information from studies
sponsored by the pharmaceutical industry: some current
practices A statistical perspective on proposed best
practice for statisticians in the reporting and publication
of pharmaceutical industry sponsored clinical trials.
Journal of the European Medical Writers Association (In